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WORD AND ACT     2016 VOL.21

Arthur Waley's Yuan Mei,
    Eighteenth Century Chinese Poet, Addendum II
LIU Anwei ( 1)

Der offene Bildungsroman
    Über Jean Pauls Flegeljahre
ICHIKAWA Shinji (25)

Invisible Images and Undeveloped Stories:
    An Essay on Heinosuke Gsho's Haiku
TANIOKA Takehiko (62)

WORD AND ACT     2015 VOL.20

Der Verkehr im Schwebezustand
    Über Kafkas Roman Der Proceß
ICHIKAWA Shinji ( 1)

Attitudes toward Naniwa-bushi
    Evident in the Pages of the Biwa Shinbun

WORD AND ACT     2014 VOL.19

Arthur Waley’s Yuan Mei,
    Eighteenth Century Chinese Poet,
Addendum I
LIU Anwei ( 1)

Yosano Akiko and the Construction of
    Female Identity in Modern Japan
Leith MORTON (31)

In Search of Cy Young:
    Cy Young and His Times, Part I
SAEKI Yasuki (53)

Die Ansetzung des Du in der unendlichen Flüssigkeit.
    Zu Novalis’ ,,Die Lehrlinge zu Saïs”
ANTOKU Makiko (75)

WORD AND ACT     2013 VOL.18

Der Verkehr im Schwebezustand
    Über Kafkas Roman Der Proceß
ICHIKAWA Shinji ( 1)

The First Major League:
    A short History of Baseball (8)
SAEKI Yasuki (31)

A l'origine du processus créatif chez la sculptrice Aoki Noe:
    <<Une perception du fer>>
JEAN Françoise (65)

`Wakeful They Lie':
    The War and the Goddess Themes in Robert Graves's `Counting the Beats'
TAMURA Masatoshi (85)

The piano as a symbol of modernity in prewar Kansai Alison TOKITA (109)

Maekawa Samio and Yamato Leith MORTON (137)

La main gauche de Roland Barthes MITSUBORI Koichiro (186)

WORD AND ACT     2012 VOL.17

Why Long and Demanding? :
    The World Picture John Barth Gives in Letters
UENISHI Tetsuo ( 1)

he Road to Professionalism:
    A Short History of Baseball (7)
SAEKI Yasuki (19)

Robert Graves and the Body: A Poet Standing
    Between the Battle Lines and the Home Front
TAMURA Masatoshi (49)

Colonial Era Songs Popular among the Osaka
    Zainichi Korean Community
Cho Bak and Hugh de Ferranti (75)

The Poetry of Maekawa Samio and Modern Art Leith Morton (107)

Naniwa-bushi: Modern Japan's Oral Narrative Alison Tokita (121)

WORD AND ACT     2011 VOL.16

On Native Grounds: American Baseball II
    -A Short Histry of Baseball (6)-
SAEKI Yasuki ( 1)

Zhou Zuoren and Japanese Culture:
    Focusing on his Cultural Criticism in the 1920s
LIU Anwei (29)

The Poetics of War:
    Japanese Poetry / Australian Poetry and World War II
Leith MORTON (37)

A Memoir: When I was a Boy Actor EMORI Morio (100)

TANIOKA Takehiko (75)

WORD AND ACT     2010 VOL.15

On Native Grounds: American Baseball · I
    -A Short History of Baseball (5)-
SAEKI Yasuki ( 1)

Slaughter-house-five as a Story of a Writer:
    A Message Expressed by Breaking SF Framework
UENISHI Tetsuo (23)

Modernity and Japanese Culture Leith MORTON (39)

Arthur Waley's Yuan Mei, Eighteenth Century Chinese Poet (Selected Chapters) LIU Anwei (65)


TANIOKA Takehiko (101)

WORD AND ACT     2009 VOL.14

British Baseball I
    -A Short History of Baseball (3)-
SAEKI Yasuki ( 1)

British Baseball II
    -A Short History of Baseball (4)-
SAEKI Yasuki (23)

Modernist Verse in Fin-de-Siécle Japan: Tangled Hair and Purple Leith MORTON (45)

Law and Life in Bleak House HARADA Daiksuke (63)

WORD AND ACT     2008 VOL.13

The Matrix of Baseball
     - A Short History of Baseball (2) -
SAEKI Yasuki ( 1)

Überlegunzen zum Akzent (-3) der Fremdwörter im Japanischen OSA Kozue ( 23)

Doubled Narrative: The 'White Lily' Chapter of Yosano Akiko's 'Tangled Hair' Leith MORTON ( 39)

Precedent Studies on Formation of Private Religion
     - The 19th Century American Religious Situation in Mark Twain (2) -
UENISHI Tetsuo ( 57)

Raymond Chandler as a Mystery Addict
     - A Speculation on Detective Stories and Their Readers -
TAMURA Masatoshi ( 83)

Romance and Grim Realism in Lodge's A Margarite of America YUI Tetsuya (105)

WORD AND ACT     2008 VOL.12

Writing Romance: Tekkan, Akiko and Tomiko's Exchange Verse Leith MORTON ( 1)

In Search of the Origin of Baseball Game
     - A Short History of Baseball (1) -
SAEKI Yasuki ( 21)

Religious Representations in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
     - The 19th American Religious Situation in Mark Twain (1) -
UENISHI Tetsuo ( 43)

The Biography of Zhou Zuoren 4 LIU Anwei (112)

WORD AND ACT     2007 VOL.11

Reinventing Literary History Leith MORTON ( 1)

Lessings ,Emillia Galotti'
     -» Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Denkens zu bedienen! «-
OTOMO Susumu ( 25)

"Die neuen Möglichkeiten" in Peter Handke's Novel
     Der Hausiere
Garvin PERRAM ( 41)

The Transfiguration and Mythologization of the Natural
     Landscape in Selecter Works by Peter Matthiessen
Garvin PERRAM ( 87)

Early Modern Japanese and Chinese Literati Painters and "the West." Part I:
    "The Last Great Master," Tomioka Tessai
ZHAN Xiaomei (103)

The Suspension of Disbelief: George Peele's The Old Wife's Tale YUI Tetsuya (131)

The Biography of Zhou Zuoren 3 LIU Anwei (166)

WORD AND ACT     2006 VOL.10

New Waves in Scottish Theatre
     -David Harrower's Knives in Hens-
TANIOKA Takehiko ( 1)

Blick und Augenblick
     Über Hofmannsthals Prosa in der Jahrhundertwende
ICHIKAWA Shinji ( 23)

Überlegungen zum Akzent der Fremdwörter im Japanischen
     -Zwei Melodien von einem akutuellen Wort „manifesuto"-
OSA Kozue ( 45)

Syntax and Lexicon: A Study of Two Types of VV Idioms in English ISHIHARA Yuki ( 71)

Companion Animals and Human Health: An Overview Lorinda R. Kiyama ( 91)

La critique d'art japonaise et l'Asie:
     un <art asiatique contemporain> pour le Japon (Troisième partie)
Françoise JEAN (125)

The Biography of Zhou Zuoren 2 LIU Anwei (200)

WORD AND ACT     2004 VOL.09

"A Vast Practical Joke":
A Reading of Philip Roth's The Great American Novel (2)
SAEKI Yasuki ( 1)

Rire de mourir
- d' AIDA Makoto à G. Bataille -
SATOMI Tatsuo ( 17)

Die Literature vom Zerfall der Werte
Üer den dritten Roman in den > Hermann Brochs
ICHIKAWA Shinji ( 43)

The Biography of Zhou Zuoren 1 LIU Anwei ( 98)

Misuzu und Novalis OTOMO Susumu (126)

WORD AND ACT     2003 VOL.08

"A Vast Practical Joke":
A Reading of Philip Roth's The Great American Novel (1)
SAEKI Yasuki ( 1)

Über Kafkas „Briefe an Milena“
- Das Scheitern einer intellektuellen Liebe -
INOUE Masaatsu ( 23)

The Impact And Dialogue in East Asia LIU Anwei ( 38)

Das Märchen vom grossen Wald
Uber Grimms > Hänsel und Gretel <
ICHIKAWA Shinji ( 51)

La Critique d'art japonaise et l'Asie :
un "art asiatique contemporain" pour le Japon (Deuxième partie)
Françoise JEAN ( 81)

WORD AND ACT     2002 VOL.07

Language and Identity in Ireland
Brian Friel's Translations
SATSUMA Tatsuro ( 1)

"Mock-water" by Falstaff YUI Tetsuya ( 29)

From the Gothic to Romanticism
- A Narratological Approach to S. T. Coleriidge's " The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere"
TAMURA Masatoshi ( 61)

Some Notes on Sensory Copulas in English ISHIHARA Yuki ( 85)

On Abstract Incorporation in Reflexivization NOGUCHI Tohru (103)

Ironic Narrators in Emma: The Novel and Films KOBAYASHI Michiko (139)

WORD AND ACT     2001 VOL.06

La critique d'art japonaise et l'Asie :
Un "art asiatique contemporain" pour le Japon (Première partie)
Françoise JEAN ( 1)

Vom inneren Kampf zum ruhigen Verkehr
Über Kafkas > Brief an den Vater <
ICHIKAWA Shinji ( 21)

Zhang Dai and Yuan Mei
- The Autobiography of Two Chinese Poets -
LIU Anwei ( 47)

- Flucht aus dem Bildungsroman -
- Im Hinblick auf Dickens, Keller und Hesse -
INOUE Masaatsu ( 59)

"Using the liberty of versifying":
Politics of Literature in Sir Philip Sidney's Mira Poems
SHINOZAKI Minoru ( 91)

WORD AND ACT     1999 VOL.05

The Roots of Cosmopolitanism
Roger Pulvers ( 1)

Some Notes on Infinitival Complements of Help ISHIHARA Yuki ( 19)


Versuch einer Losung des Ratse1s um Kafkas ,,In der Strafkolonie" INOUE Masaatsu ( 75)

Jenseits von Freude und Leere ICHIKAWA Shinji ( 97)

WORD AND ACT     1999 VOL.04

Kafkas „Prozeß“ und dessen Vorder - und Kehrseite
- Unter dem Einfluß der Liebesbeziehung zu Felice
INOUE Masaatsu ( 1)


From Secondary School to University :Bridging the Gap Christopher Arden-Close ( 61)

'Nature' and 'Institution' in Jude the Obscure KOBAYASHI Michiko ( 75)

An Introduction to Linguistics for Learners of Foreign Languages (3) KURODA Ryunosuke (107)

WORD AND ACT     1998 VOL.03

Paintings and Painters in the Early Works of Thomas Hardy YAMAGUCHI Takao ( 1)

A Note on Come/Go + V Construction ISHIHARA Yuki/ NOGUCHI Tohru ( 41)

Taiwanese University Freshmen's Difficulties Christopher Arden-Close ( 61)

The Obscure Object of Desire
- The Royal Marriage Problem and Entertainments for Elizabeth I
SHINOZAKI Minoru (103)

Naming as a Disguise : Little Dorrit KOBAYASHI Michiko (123)

An Introduction to Linguistics for Learners of Foreign Languages(2) KURODA Ryunosuke (151)

WORD AND ACT     1997 VOL.02

Grammatik zu Kafkas DIE VERWANDLUNG INOUE Masaatsu ( 1)

F. Schlegels Kritik über ,Emilia Galotti‘ OTOMO Susumu ( 21)

Local Anaphora and Economy NOGUCHI Tohru ( 39)

Françoise Jean ( 78)

B. H.Chamberlain's Understanding of Haiku SUGAWARA Katsuya (180)

Notes on Teaching English by a Japanese Teacher HATTORI Takakazu (107)

An Introduction to Linguistics for Learners of Foreign Languages KURODA Ryunosuke (119)

WORD AND ACT     1997 VOL.01

American Comic Writings: An Historical Introduction. SAEKI Yasuki ( 1)

Le désœuvrement et le rire chez G . Bataille SATOMI Tatsuo ( 21)

Belarus for Japanese People KURODA Ryunosuke ( 41)

Noises and Voices in The Tempest YUI Tetsuya ( 49)

A Note on Minimal Projection ISHIHARA Yuki ( 69)

Gazing, Body and Power in Great Expectations KOBAYASHI Michiko ( 87)


Institute for Liberal Arts Science Tokyo
The Foreign Languages Section of the Institute for Liberal Arts, Science Tokyo
東京科学大学 リベラルアーツ研究教育院 外国語セクション